Final Report Format for Grants under $25,000

Your final report on your grant $25,000 or less is generally due 12 months after the receipt of the Castle Foundation grant. If your organization needs more time, let our Executive Director know by e-mail, phone call or regular mail. Reasonable report extensions are often given.
The Foundation does not accept grant applications from organizations with incomplete or overdue reports.
The key elements of your succinct report are as follows:

Attach financial report.
• Show all actual project income and expenses.
• Show expenses for which this grant was used. Explain any variation from your original proposal.

Attach narrative report, using the following headings.
• Activities:
Describe the activities conducted and the services delivered or products created, including quantities. Explain any changes from the activities described in your grant application. (You must use the grant only for the purpose stated in the grant award letter.)
• Results:
Describe what happened as a result of the project, including any differences between these results and the expected results described in your grant application.
• What did you learn and what will happen next?
Describe challenges encountered, unexpected benefits, and lessons learned. Describe future plans for this project or program. Most of all, how did our community benefit?

The Foundation is flexible and if an oral report, a video, or slides are preferred in lieu of a written report, let us know. Also, if there are opportunities to hear from the beneficiary of the grant, let us know.

Please remember that not sending the required report disqualifies the organization from future grant application consideration.

Please submit your final report to the Foundation by regular mail or electronically to the following address:

Alfred L. Castle
Executive Director
The Samuel N. & Mary Castle Foundation
733 Bishop Street, Suite 1275
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813


If the Executive Director can be of assistance with this brief report, please contact him by e-mail or 808-522-1101.